Dr. Corvus H. Kestrel

Born July 5th, 1800
Licensed Physician and Practicing Mage

• Proud • Obsessive • Irritable •

Corvus is a man who spends most of his time working, and leaves little room for anything else. Perhaps it's because of the severity of his motivations, or because of how little sleep gets, but most people know him by how easy it is to irritate him.

Though he takes a some pride in his achievements thus far, he remains dissatisfied by the goals he hasn't reached, and this tireless pursuit of his goals often alienate him from those around him.

Corvus cares deeply about the communities he serves as a doctor, but he lacks the ability to form intimate relationships with his patients. He doesn't have many companions besides those who share similar "Type A" personalities, and has had even fewer romantic interests. His patients appreciate his pragmatism and thoroughness, and especially his willingness to help out his poorer patients pro bono, but he is often criticized for coming off as cold and austere.

However, Corvus isn't all work and no play. The few who can get close to Corvus will find that he has a taste for finer things: opera, literature, fashion, dancing, and wine, to name a few. The trouble is convincing him to relax long enough to indulge in them. Well, with the exception of wine. He could stand to indulge a little less in that.