Faizal Vautour

Born January 3rd, 1809

• Withdrawn • Loyal • Resourceful •

The apothecary employed at Kestrel Pharmacy seldom speaks, and even more seldomly reveals anything about themself to those around them. Suffering from a rare genetic condition known as Prismatism, Faizal has been a subject of calumny and consternation since birth. It’s almost a daily occurrence for Faizal to overhear someone refer to them as a “demon,” “sinspawn,” or “wicked beast” any time they go out into the streets.

And so, Faizal avoids contact with people as much as possible, opting to work and conduct their business by moonlight so that their interactions with the public are scarce. As far as what their business consists of, that remains a mystery—they can be found brewing potions and tinctures in the pharmacy in the early evening, but when they leave the building, their steps are untraceable. Some have claimed to witness a horned figure entering the sewers beneath the city under the cover of night, sometimes with a burlap sack clinking with glass slung over their shoulder, but no one seems able (and sometimes, no one seems willing) to confirm such a sight.

Still, there have been other sightings of Faizal elsewhere in the city. Sometimes, Faizal can be seen on the edge of town, slipping into the woods with a small, stringed instrument in their hands. Occasionally, they’ve been found sitting on the edge of the docks of the Trist with the instrument, quietly plucking it as they watch ships arrive and depart from the city.

But most peculiar of all, sometimes they can be found walking alongside the Peshtartzen that owns Kestrel Pharmacy, turning the already unsavory presence of the doctor into a downright menacing one as the the two of them glower at the public before slinking into the shadows.