Sir Klaus T. Kestrel

Born October 11, 1797
 Knight of Moldauch &
Captain of the Schweinholz City Guard 

• Affectionate • Stoic • Gentle •

Towering over nearly everyone in the city (and often bumping his head on door frames,) Klaus is beloved and revered among the citizens of Schweinholz. Continually lauded for his courageous deeds in the infamous Battle of Benevola a decade ago, his status as a war hero tends to offset folks' misgivings about his brother.

Klaus’s enormous stature easily instills fear in people, until they get to know him. The knight can frequently be seen in the taverns of Schweinholz, drinking and making merry with friends and strangers alike. At parties and festivals, he’s almost always the first one to arrive and the last one to leave; and though he has no trouble throwing back pints like water, he never sleeps until he knows his loved ones are safely home.

Klaus loves the company of other people more than anything, but he quickly brushes away the praise he receives for his bravery during the war—in fact, war is a topic he’d rather avoid altogether, but it’s difficult to do when its violent memories repeat themselves in his dreams. Luckily, his brother has just the thing to assist him—a specially prescribed “tobacco” that seems to quiet his mind in the lonely hours. The knight often smokes from his pipe when he’s tending to his quiet little hobbies, such as fishing in the Trist river, or gardening in the sun.

When making his rounds, Klaus can always be seen with his massive greatsword strapped to his back. Few have ever seen it in use, and those who have know that while Klaus is a gentle soul, he shows no hesitation about taking action when he witnesses innocents in danger.