Mr. Victor M. Vesper

Born June 24th, 1798
Apprentice Peshtartzen

• Charismatic • Resilient • Venturesome •

When Victor walks into a room, everyone has the tendency to look his way. Witty, but never crass; polite, but never condescending; Victor has a presence that seems to charm strangers and command audiences anywhere he goes.

Well, almost everyone--those who work with Victor will notice that the doctor at Kestrel Pharmacy seems immune to his charisma. Though the two can often be heard quibbling with one another, the apprentice remains steadfast in his work, and continually excels at absorbing and employing knowledge.

On the rare occasions when he isn’t working, Victor enjoys unwinding through physical activities—fencing, riding, sometimes even a round of boxing. And though he certainly revels in a bit of competition, he also seeks leisurely companionship, sometimes found on the arm of a handsome stranger in the late hours of the night.

While it's clear that this gentleman comes from a well-learned, high-mannered background, he remains oddly evasive when asked about his past. Those who watch him closely may notice a twinge of nervousness in his eyes when the spotlight remains on him for too long. And those who look especially closely may notice that he bears an uncanny resemblance to a Vespiannian monarch that went missing not but a year ago…